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Monday, October 31, 2016

Linux short cut command cheat sheet

# Go back to the line head

# Go to the line end

# Remove till end-of-line

# Remove characters toward line head by each words

# Reset a terminal

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Regarding nmap

What's nmap

One of the representative port scanners.

Basic syntax
nmap <options> <a server IP address or host name>


# Specify any port

# TCP connection scan
# Check connection to the target. The target daemon process found that TCP connection was tried. If not specified any options, -sT is set as default.

# TCP syn scan
# Sending only first syn packet in 3 way handshake. If syn/ack is returned, determine that post is opened. If RST is returned, determine that there is no listener. Not establish connection, so the target does not found scan.

# TCP Null scan

# TCP fin scan

# TCP Xmas scan

# TCP ack scan

Display meanings


PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh


means port state
open: a port is open
closed: a port is closed
filterd: a packet filter works for a port and it cannot be determined if a port is open or not

# filtered
Not determine whether port is open or not.

# unfiltered
Can access to post though, not determine whether post is open or not.

# open|filtered
Not determine whether post is open or not, and packet filtering is available or not.

# closed|filtered
Not determine whether post is closed or not, and packet filtering is available or not.

Front End Development Tools

TaskRunner Tool executing multiple tasks by only one execution. Tasks are like CSS preprocessor, Transpire, Module Bundler, etc... e.g. ...