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Sunday, April 29, 2018

ReactJS Features

Consideration regarding ReactJS merit and demerit

ReactJS Features

  • JSX is essential

ReactJS Merit

  • Rendering speed is faster than ordinary template engine.
  • Writing logic per a html part is reused.

ReactJS Demerit

  • Not good at Ajax
  • It's not suitable for the pages which do not have many dynamic contents.
  • Rendering speed is slower than JQuery optimized.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Multi process and memory segment

Explain memory condition in multi process

There are a parent process and several child processes in multi process.
All the process share parent process text segment and refer same memory domain.
On the other hand, data segment is copied by each child processes.
Global variables are not shared in each data segments.

Basic memory segment explanation is below.


Front End Development Tools

TaskRunner Tool executing multiple tasks by only one execution. Tasks are like CSS preprocessor, Transpire, Module Bundler, etc... e.g. ...