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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Comparison of Daas, Iaas, Paas, Saas, Faas, Baas, Caas


Recap regarding *aas
  • Daas
The abbreviation of Desktop as a service or Data as a service.
    • Desktop as a service
The service provides PC's desktop functionalities through internet.
    • Data as a service
It provides data management system via internet.

  • Iaas
The abbreviation of Infrastructure as a service.
The service provides physical infra like server body, unit, room or etc. Users have to configure layer above OS.

MS Azure

  • Paas
The abbreviation of Pratform as a service.
The service provides what is same as Iaas, and also provides OS. Users have to configure layer above FW.  *FW in paas is often limited by vendors.

Google App Engine
Cloud Foundry

  • Saas
The abbreviation of Software as a service. Basically accessed by users a thin client via a web browser.


  • Faas
The abbreviation of Function as a service.
The service provides small functionalities via webAPI. Mainly for application developers.

AWS Lamda
Google Cloud Function

  • Baas/MBaas
The abbreviation of Backend as a service/Mobile backend as a service. It provides
functionalities for mobile application development.

  • Caas
The abbreviation of container as a service


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Proxy and Reverse Proxy

  • Proxy
- Server installed between intranet and internet.
- Client PCs access to internet through proxy.
- Web servers could see only proxy IP address as request originated.
- It is called as forward proxy as well.

  • Reverse Proxy
- Server installed in front of multiple web servers.
- Receives http requests instead of web servers.
- It has L7 load balancer functionality and distributes http requests.
- It has cache server functionality as well. Cache web contents like html, css, javascript, xml or etc and return them instead of web servers only if they were not changed after cached.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Performance Test Terms

  • throughput
the amount of material or items passing through a system. In general, throughput is the below.
    • tps transaction per sec. definition of transaction is different with the projects.
    • PV/s  page view per sec

  • elapsed time

time that elapses before all the response returns after request

  • latency

time that elapses before the first response returns after request

Front End Development Tools

TaskRunner Tool executing multiple tasks by only one execution. Tasks are like CSS preprocessor, Transpire, Module Bundler, etc... e.g. ...