Consider regarding database clustering consists of 3 nodes basically.Database clustering which needs 3 nodes at least
- Redis
- MariaDB Galera Cluster
- etcd
- Consul
- influxdb
Regarding distributed system, there is CAP theory.
- Consistency
- Availability
- Partition Tolerance
In these features, Partition Tolerance is the biggest factor which defines the default number of database clustering.
If there were 3 nodes and split them, selected majority and continues to work.
If there were 4 nodes and split them, can not select majority and continue to work.
If there were 3 nodes and split them, selected majority and continues to work.
If there were 4 nodes and split them, can not select majority and continue to work.
There are database clustering which do not need.
- Apache cassandra
- Basho riak
- Aerospike